Fresh air. everywhere.
Foundries, steel and glass
Clean air and emissions control for the
steelmaking, foundry and glass industries
Engineering controls
You can trust
The focus of Airflo Dynamics is on clean air and emissions control and the advancement of abatement technologies. Maintaining a healthy and sustainable working environment means stabilising airborne pollution at safe working concentrations and limiting personal exposure.
Constant real-time
monitoring delivering
real-time intelligence
We take time to
Listen to you
Our success lies in listening to you and understanding your needs and concerns, in order to provide you with practical and realistic solutions in accordance with the relevant regulations

Focus on
Air quality products
A commitment to providing a practical service to hot-process engineering has led to the continuing research and development of some of the most innovative products in air quality control

Real-time air quality monitoring
Real-time monitoring for safety and protection of personnel and machinery, delivering valuable intelligence directly into the hands of decision-makers

Diesel exhaust emissions
Monitoring and control of diesel engine exhaust emissions, including fuels and fuel treatments and abatement technologies

Dust and fume control
Mobile and static extraction and filter systems, providing solutions to a wide range of air pollution control applications

Cooling and air movement
Ventilation and cooling systems for personnel and processes, meeting regulations and optimising operating efficiencies